My name is Alex S. and I will be leaving to boot camp in February. I will also be a 0651 and was curious of what I can do in the civilian world with my mos?
The Data Network Specialist MOS is comparable to an IT job in the civilian world. There are several courses and certifications that you can receive that will be useful to you in your civilian life. If you work REALLY hard in MOS school you can leave with two certifications right away. Your Comptia A+ Certification and your CCNA certification. You will have the opportunity to receive more certifications throughout your enlistment. Take every course and get every cert they offer you. It's literally thousands of dollars worth of classes and testing fees. A job seeking a CCNA cert with experience starts out at about 35-40 dollars/hour. Not bad and it gets better with each higher level cert you get.
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2 weeks ago
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