Well the journey to becoming a fleet Marine has ended. Every Marine with a non-infantry MOS (Military Occupational Speciality) must complete three things in order to be a fleet marine. Bootcamp, MCT (Marine Combat Training), and MOS School. It was not very long ago when I was borded a plane and then a bus to begin the journey of becoming a United States Marine. A lot has happened since then and everything that I have been taught and trained to do has culminated into me being stationed in Cherry Point, North Carolina.
After leaving Twenty-nine Palms, CA I was able to go home for less then a week. It was a good time being home even if it was just for awhile. I picked up some things, packed up my SUV and drove two days to North Carolina. While the drive was long it was a very scenic drive. The hills and the leaves changing provided a nice atmosphere compared to the blandness that was in Twentynine Palms.
I arrived at MCAS (Marine Corps Air Station), at 11:15pm on Oct. 7. I checked in at the TEQ or Temporary Enlisted Quarters, bought McDonalds, and called home letting them know I had arrived safe. I ate my food and went to bed. The next day would be early and long...and uncomfortable. I had to keep my Service Alphas on until about 1500 that day so I could report to the Sgt. Major and First Sargent. On top of that the AC where my shop was had just broke.
I was given a list of places that I needed to stop by and check in at. To this day, I have yet to finish it, but the majority of it has been compleated. I am with a communication/data squadron and enjoy the shop and people that I will be working with, though it will take a while to get completly comfortable with what I will be doing as there is much that I still need to learn.
The base here is really nice apart from the constant sounds of jets and planes taking off. Things are somwhat spread out so I am fortunate to have my vehicle here.
I miss the people that were in my class in Twentynine Palms and I wish them all the best. There are a few from my class that are here as well, yet we are in separate shops and I don't see any of them very often.
The Marine Corps birthday is on November 10, and this year we will be celebrating it on November 4th. There is a ceremony that takes place as well, and not to long after arriving I found out I would be in that ceremony. I am not sure what exactly I will be doing but I will find out this coming week when practice starts.
I don't have any pictures of the base yet but I'll try and post some soon. My address has changed as well and if you wish to write feel free!
PFC Cuestas, Joseph
MWCS-28 Data
PSC Box 8071
Cherry Point, NC 28533-8071
No Fellowship
2 weeks ago