Well, boot camp is now over, and after taking a break for ten days, I was given the opportunity to help my recruiter (while staying home!) for an additional seven days. A lot of the time was spent not doing to much, and outside of that we would visit "hot spots" for new potential Marines. It was great being home for an extra week, and it would have been better if I was able to do more for my recruiters.
Now that my leave and Recruiters Assistance is over I am back in California at Camp Pendleton for MCT or Marine Combat Training, (not Mortal Combat Training as some people have confused it). Since being here for only four days we have learned how to use a Field Radio, thrown live hand grenades, hiked for 5K, ran for 5 miles, performed several tactical carries (carrying a wounded comrade in a combat environment), and refreshed ourselves on field first aid...and we're barely getting started!
The days are long and make for sore bodies, but all in all its not bad. We are treated with a lot more respect, and are able to see more and more what military life is really going to be like. We are able to get liberty or free time on the weekends where we can do basically anything we want. I'm in 2nd Platoon, Kilo Company which seems a little different after being in Hotel Company for the past three months, but I assume it will change every time I get a new duty station, I'm not sure though.
When I arrived off the bus on base, we were dropped off in the middle of two squad bays so I didn't really have a chance to see my surroundings. When I first stepped out and saw the scenery my jaw dropped! The scenery on this portion of the base is amazing. There are rolling hills all around us. Covered in green grass, bushes, and trees it looks amazing. Coming from Michigan (which is flat and bland) to this place makes it hard to not stare and think, 'Wow!" I plan on taking some pictures of the area tomorrow and hopefully will post them next week.
After seeing this beautiful terrain and listening to our instructors talk about how amazing the human body is during our first aid classes, you can't help but think how awesome our God is. Such beauty and magnificence in the hills and mountains and the complexity of the human body should point us all to Him. One of our instructors commented that the bodies healing capabilities was, "pretty awesome." I thought to myself, "He's (God) pretty awesome!" I challenge you all to read Isaiah chapter 40 and see for yourself how big and great our God is!
Marine Combat Training is only 29 days long, and I have a graduation date of May 19. If you happen to be near Camp Pendleton on that date, consider this your personal Invitation! After graduation I will be attending my MOS school (Military Occupational Speciality) in 29 Palms, Ca. I'm not exactly sure how long school will be, but from what I hear it is L-O-N-G!
Feel free to email me joecusmc@gmail.com and I will be glad to respond on the weekends when we have liberty. It's a lot easier then snail mail! As always remain, Semper Fidelis!
5 days ago